/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
brew install ffmpeg
ffmpeg -h
choco install ffmpeg
ffmpeg -h
ffmpeg -i "path/to/film.mkv"
Will print information about the movie to the console. This is helpful to see what streams you have available and which ones you might like to work with later.
sits.cd ~/Dropbox/UoE-paperwork/teaching/Programme/soundtracksForScreen/03_Submission1-HOW-To/
hit enter after entering the pathcd
sits.cd C:Users\mparker\Dropbox\UoE-paperwork\teaching\Programme\soundtracksForScreen\03_Submission1-HOW-To\
tabWatch the film and note the start point of the part you want to extract
Note the starting point
= 29minutes and 5 seconds in
= lasting for three minutes
ffmpeg -ss 00:29:05 -i "path/to/film.mkv" -t 00:03:00 -codec copy -map 0 "path/to/film_extract.mkv"
ffmpeg -ss 00:10:20 -i Gravity_crunched.mkv -t 00:03:00 -codec copy -map 0 myGravityExtract.mkv
ffmpeg -ss 00:10:20 -i Gravity_crunched.mkv -t 00:03:00 -codec copy -map 0 myGravityExtract.mkv
ffmpeg -i "path/to/film_extract.mkv" -f wav -vn "path/to/audioTack.wav"
Usually the surround stream is the second stream in the file and this will grab that by default.
If it’s not there, or you want a different stream, you can select which stream you want to map to the output:
ffmpeg -i "path/to/film_extract.mkv" -f wav -map 0:2 "path/to/audioTrack.wav"
This will choose the third stream in your .mkv
To extract the centre channel from the .mkv
you will need to know the channel order.
Have a look at the info about the extract
ffmpeg -i "path/to/film_extract.mkv"
Note the stream id and the description of the audio format layout.
Remind yourself of the layout names that FFMPEG uses
ffmpeg -layouts
This will show you the naming conventions for different audio layouts.
ffmpeg -i "path/to/film_extract.mkv" -f wav -vn -map_channel 0.1.0 "path/to/frontLeft.wav"
In the above example, you will see that the final 0
corresponds to the first channel. Channels are counted from 0
. So to get the sub channel–channel 4, you would use the command -map_channel 0.1.3
The example below extracts the final channel, rightSurround, channel 6, number 5:
ffmpeg -i "path/to/film_extract.mkv" -f wav -vn -map_channel 0.1.5 "path/to/rightSurround.wav"